This is an excerpt from the print edition of Dirty Linen #126
(October/November 2006).
The full article is in the magazine, available on newsstands,
by subscription, and at the Dirty Linen webstore.
Ernie Hawkins
Blues Advice
by Linda J. Morris
Thursday, 9:00 a.m. -- In the sanctuary of McDaniel College's
Baker Memorial Chapel, 11 guitar-toting adults arrive, each one
a proud survivor of Blues Night, International Night, late-late
jams, and 7:00 a.m. yoga. (Well… maybe not the yoga.) Sunlight
streams mercilessly through the stately, arched windows as the
students, some clutching coffee cups, settle with their instruments.
By week's end, morning class at Common Ground on the Hill, a
packed week of arts and culture workshops in Westminster, Maryland,
can look a little like the gathering of the undead. However, seated
on the riser -- looking impossibly chipper -- the instructor is
already demonstrating the fingerstyle and rhythm of the week's
course: "The Reverend Gary Davis and the Blues."
With a welcoming smile, Ernie Hawkins greeted the assembly: "Mornin',
"Mornin', teacher!"
And as they tuned up, they warmed up. The students, some of them
already accomplished guitarists, were intent on absorbing all
they could from the man who not only knew the Rev. Davis personally,
but who has played with and mastered the styles of some of the
blues legends of all time, including Son House, Mance Lipscomb,
Fred McDowell, and Jim Brewer, among others.
Offering absolution to all who neglected to do their homework
last night, Hawkins proceeded. "Keep your ears open and listen
to when things happen with the melody," he said, as the group
practiced Davis' "Cocaine." Get the bass progression
down, he directed. It's the only "constant" in the song.
"Keep your mind on your thumb. You wouldn't have the syncopation
without the bass," he said. "It sounds like a simple
song, but it's very complex. Gary Davis had a very complex mind.
He could do many different things at the same time… and add voice
over it all."
This is an excerpt from the print edition of Dirty Linen #126
(October/November 2006).
The full article is in the magazine, available on newsstands,
by subscription, and at the Dirty Linen webstore.