-- Created by Kirk Chamberlain, kirkster@ilnk.com, www.webmoxie.com, 904-786-0687 --
Showcase Party
Blues, folk and comedy featuring Ernie Hawkins, Keith Knight and comedian Pat Hazell. From soulful blues to Appalachian stomps, Ernie and Keith sing and demonstrate their guitar mastery and the amazing depth of blues and folk music. Pat's Americana comedy shows how one man can leave an entire audience begging for air as the laughs come fast and furious. Cocktail reception to follow performances!
Friday, September 12, 2003 8:30 p.m. to 11:40 p.m.
Discovery World Museum Gammex Theatre, Milwaukee WI




"Hawkins is one of the most accomplished and impressive acoustic guitarist of our time. Ernie proves why he belongs in the ranks of the greats." Mark Gallo - mnblues.com